She is voiced by Jodi Benson and was designed by Glen Keane. In a magical hidden town bordered by tall surrounding mountains is Encanto where Alma Madrigal and her family live in the Casita. Free Printable Coloring Pages Disney Ariel Below Is A Collection Of Ariel Coloring Page Th Mermaid Coloring Pages Ariel Coloring Pages Rapunzel Coloring Pages It was inspired by the Danish tale of the same name 1836. . For boys and girls kids and adults teenagers and toddlers preschoolers and older kids at school. Disney characters make a great theme delight your kid when coloring. All the rest your little princess will do herself. Farmers help us eat by growing fruit vegetables milking cows and raising animals for meat. Create and play a royal game. Nothing is more valuable than the moments and memories of a parent and their children. Use as a princess figurine. The film tells the story of a mermaid princess named Ari...